Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Radiology trade media getting on board with breast density notification

It's good to see the radiology trade media recommend that radiologists get on board with breast density notification whether their state mandates it (yet) or not. Aunt Minnie, a radiological site, reports:
"Like it or not, the issue of breast density notification is here to stay, and women's imaging centers should educate themselves on how they will interact with patients and physicians on the issue -- whether or not their state has passed legislation, according to a presentation given on Sunday at the annual AHRA 2012 meeting."
And she quotes Bonnie Rush, consultant and president of Breast Imaging Specialists of San Diego:

"False positives and the 'anxiety' they produce is the most frequently cited objection to legislative efforts to communicate breast density and supplemental screening to women," she said. "But real anxiety comes with a late-stage diagnosis."  
"We've been 'selling' mammography as the earliest form of detection for all women, but the truth is that breast density is one of the strongest reasons mammography fails to detect cancer," Rush said to AHRA 2012 attendees. "Women need to be informed to allow them to participate in personalizing their screening according to their risk profile."

 I've said the same thing myself. Props to the reporter of this article, Kate Madden Yee!

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